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Ignoring the human disaster in Yemen

The West’s protestations about human rights sound hollow when one looks at Yemen where the U.S. and U.K. place profits from arms sales to Saudi Arabia over the carnage those weapons are inflicting. by Alon Ben-Meir Part 3 - Bad to Worse The conflict is going from bad to worse as international efforts to press both sides have been woefully inadequate, and media attention is nearly absent. Continued fighting will further fuel the struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and contribute to other regional conflicts. Moreover, the prospect of finding a peaceful solution is becoming increasingly difficult and laden with uncertainty, as the Trump administration believes that a solution lies with more military force. Trump justifies his bellicose approach as he sees Iran as the culprit who is raging a proxy war against the Saudis and benefiting from continued instability. For these reasons, the E.U.’s neutrality has allowed it to maintain contact with all the

While the Western media declared war on Venezuela, no one speaks about Mexico

globinfo freexchange In September 2014, the Mexican police opened fire on buses carried students from the college of Ayotzinapa to the city of Mexico. They were about to take part, like every year, in a gathering dedicated to the memory of 400 students that were assassinated in 1968 in the capital, ten days before the premiere of the Olympic Games. They would return with the same buses. Six students died instantly and dozens injured from the assault by the police. Then, the police evacuated two buses, captured 43 students and transported them to an unknown location with police cars. Since then, there are no signs of them. The government claims that the 43 students were kidnapped by the local police which cooperates with drug dealers. Yet, it has not given any adequate explanation about the motives of the kidnappers and information about the location of the bodies of those who have been murdered. With the case shocking Mexico, an international committee of experts w

How Big Pharma screws the working class under its nose to maintain huge profits

globinfo freexchange Richard Wolff explains briefly and clearly the evil mechanism that the Big Pharma found to maintain huge profits, passing the bill to the workers: The drug prices have been going up so high that more and more Americans who are covered with a medical insurance, say from where they work or if they work for the government, they still have to pay a deductible. And the deductible is now so high - because the cost of the medicines is so high - that people avoiding to go, even when they're covered, because they can't pay the deductible. This is terrible for the drug companies because if you don't go to get the medicine because you can't cover the deductible, the prescription isn't written and the drug company hasn't got the sale. They don't care who pays them, whether is you or the insurance company, they just want to sell the damn thing. So it's a problem for them that people can't afford the deductible.

Ο λαϊκισμός ως εργαλείο στιγματισμού όσων δεν ευθυγραμμίζονται με το κατεστημένο

του system failure Είναι προφανές ότι η ακροδεξιά στη Δύση κατάφερε να αποκτήσει σημαντική δύναμη, όχι μόνο επειδή άρπαξε την ευκαιρία να παίξει το ρόλο της κεντρικής αντι-συστημικής δύναμης, αλλά και επειδή υπέκλεψε τις βασικές θέσεις της αριστερής ιδεολογίας και τις μετέτρεψε σε εύπεπτα σλόγκαν για τις μάζες. Οι ηγέτες της ακροδεξιάς συχνά επιτίθενται στους τραπεζίτες και στις πολιτικοοικονομικές ελίτ, ωστόσο, κατευθύνουν τη δύναμη πυρός της ρητορικής τους εναντίον των γνωστών θυμάτων: ευάλωτες ομάδες του πληθυσμού, όπως οι μετανάστες, για παράδειγμα. Το γεγονός ότι η ακροδεξιά υπέκλεψε τις θέσεις της αριστεράς και τις ενσωμάτωσε στο δικό της ιδεολογικό πλαίσιο, επέτρεψε στους μηχανισμούς του κατεστημένου να τοποθετήσουν κάτω από την ταμπέλα του 'λαϊκισμού' οτιδήποτε μεταξύ νεο-ναζιστικών μορφωμάτων και εξωκοινοβουλευτικών ακροαριστερών σχηματισμών, εκτός, φυσικά, από τις παραδοσιακές πολιτικές δυνάμεις που υπηρετούν πιστά τον νεοφιλελευθερισμό μέχρι σήμε

Lee Camp tells the truth about Greece and Europe

globinfo freexchange Lee Camp spoke about the coverage of the mainstream media on massive demonstrations during this year's G20 summit, and told the truth about Greece and Europe. Of course, this is not included in mainstream media propaganda:            What the mainstream media truly failed, on every level, was to give context. They might show the images of the protests on the police cracking down, but they didn't talk about the crushing austerity pushed on European nations. How whole countries, like Greece, are being sold off for pieces to private interests ... Read also: Protesters in Hamburg: 'Shut Down Capitalism'!